Signal Checking And A Butter Box
So I had some issues with the software not behaving as I expected, and I realized that the signals from the encoders and breakers might now be as clean as needed now that the driving voltage has been dropped from 5 to 3.3V. The encoders even state that they need 3.5V minimum to operate.
So to the Makerspace to check out all of the signals on the oscilloscope. With a change of two resitors, the breaker signals became clean and clear. And the encoder seemed to work fine on 3.3V as well.
With some time to spare, I also built a small wooden box for a freezing block to keep butter cool in the summer. Plywood + table saw + glue + nailgun is a really powerful combination.
But why does the nail gun not shoot the nails all the way into the wood, I wonder? Oh well. The end result was good enough. 😀